Saturday, November 20, 2010

Europe: Responses to green paper on corporate governance in financial institutions

The European Commission has published a general summary of the responses received in respect of its consultation on corporate governance in financial institutions.
Responses to the consultation highlighted the following messages:
The respondents agree with the analysis in the Green Paper of the weaknesses in corporate governance in financial institutions. They support the Commission's goal of promoting effective corporate governance as well as the policy intent underlying the principles articulated in the Green Paper. The respondents also support a more effective supervision of the implementation by financial institutions of principles on good corporate governance.
Financial institutions recognise that effective governance makes a meaningful difference in corporate performance and are currently reviewing their practices. Although many respondents highlight that certain failures in corporate governance in financial institutions were to a large extent due to a lack of effective implementation of existing rules, a number of respondents think that regulatory framework could be improved further.
Clear definition and division of responsibilities is fundamental. For a number of respondents, more clarity is needed as regards respective duties of different bodies within the financial institution. Multiplication of controls and procedures should not lead to a confusion of which body is finally responsible for the decision-making and the overall governance of the financial institution
A number of respondents think that any future proposals of the Commission should be principle-based and proportionate in order to take account the differences in business models of financial institutions, the nature of their activity, their size, complexity, legal form and different corporate governance systems and arrangements.

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